Design and Innovation of Physics Experiment Based on CDIO Model

Design and Innovation of Physics Experiment Based on CDIO Model

J. Zhou, X. Zheng, L. He, J. Sheng, X. Gao, M. Chen (2016).  Design and Innovation of Physics Experiment Based on CDIO Model. 10.

For undergraduate students in college and University, the curriculum of Physics Experiment (PE) is the beginning of laboratory research method and experimental skills in science and engineering majors. Through the course, students can not only verify the principles and phenomena of College Physics, but also accept the cultivation of scientific thinking and methods. By using CDIO engineering education model, we have innovated PE teaching model on curriculum design, teaching method and outcome asessment. The 7th and 8th CDIO standards are enhanced in this CDIO practical course.

We propose an ability-oriented teaching pattern for PE. We construct four-level projects, and they are elementary physics experiment, knowledge application experiment, system design experiment and innovative experiment, which are responsible for the training of students' experimental skills, laboratory research methods, scientific thinking and creative abilities respectively. We are taking CDIO engineering education innovation during the teaching process of PE to achieve these goals. In the course, students carry an active learning by doing Concept, Design, Implement and Operate for every experimental project. The process evaluations are used to assess the outcomes of knowledge and abilities of students. The assessments from students and teachers of following professional courses are used to investigate the teaching results of PE.

In this paper, we present the objectives, contents, innovative design, implementation process, the results achieved after reform. The learning outcomes are verified from student’s surveys.

Proceedings of the 12th International CDIO Conference, Turku, Finland, June 12-16 2016

Authors (New): 
Jijun Zhou
Xiaolin Zheng
Lei He
Jianan Sheng
Xiuying Gao
Min Chen
Chengdu University of Information Technology, China
Physics experiment
Curriculum innovation
CDIO engineering education
Ability cultivation
CDIO Standard 7
CDIO Standard 8
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